
The land use planning and management major teaches students how public and private land can be used, developed, and preserved in the best interest of society’s social, economic, and environmental needs. Would a particular neighborhood benefit more from the building of a playground or a housing complex? Would it be ecologically conscionable for a certain forest to be cultivated for wood and paper products? These are the kinds of problems that a land use planner seeks to evaluate and resolve.

This major covers topics such as natural resource management and economics, public policy, regional and city planning, environmental impact assessment, cost analysis, and land laws and regulations. You’ll learn the technical ins and outs of developing master plans for public and private development, drafting policies and regulations on land use zones, and critiquing new development proposals. Not all the information you learn will be specialized—you’ll also explore and discuss relevant ethical considerations and an understanding of social dynamics. After all, the drive to determine what decisions will most benefit the common good lies at the heart of this discipline.


  • Advanced Land Use Planning and Design

  • Business Management

  • Engineering Graphics

  • Environmental Impact Assessments

  • Environmental Policies and Administration

  • Environmental Sustainability: Theory, Issues, and Management

  • Introduction to Land Use Theory and Practice

  • Introductory Soil Science

  • Multicultural Perspectives on the Environment

  • Remote Sensing of Natural Resources

  • Site Planning and Development

  • Wildlife Science

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For this major, load up on math and science classes. Take algebra, geometry, biology, physical science, and chemistry.