Technology - Computer Science - C++
Very informative and helped me discover new tools to explore in regards to programming and design. Seemed particularly helpful in portability cases.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Emily V was a great tutor! She was very knowledgeable and helpful!
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Really appreciate all the troubleshooting Emily provided. :) I really like how all the tutors are willing to go through the program, leading me in the right direction for the trouble shooting.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Emily helped walk me through an important C++ assignment on BST. Much appreciated.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Excellent tutor, very informative
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Emily was amazing!! she really helped me take of stress off
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Emily was able to answer my questions and concerns within minutes. Thank you so Much!!!
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Very helpful, I learn about operator functions which seems to be interesting.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Helped a lot
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Emily was excellent!
Technology - Computer Science - C++
We were able to realize my issue in my code and the issue was a super quick fix! Thanks!
Technology - Computer Science - C++
I really appreciated Emily going step by step with the help, making sure I understood what she was saying. On a side note - the e-mailed transcrips don't seem to be working very well. The last one I got, I only got the first 5 lines of conversation.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Emily was very helpful, and was able to see and understand my problem quickly, and she was able to fix the issue with 1 line of code... she is awesome!